Thursday, November 6, 2008

blessing for babies

Lord Bless Dem Babies

Bless em good Lord!

Right there where they'ra playin. Bless em till their hair stands straight up. Make em laugh out loud Lord.

When they fall from ya, and they will, snatch em back & draw em close to your breast.

Hug on em Lord. Love on em. Protect em from the dark.

Start on em NOW mighty Lord cause they got a long ways to go and a tough row to hoe.

Make their bodies healthy and strong and their minds sharp and bent on You.

Help us teach em right Lord. Teach em to do right by You. To walk along side a ya.

Teach em how to love folks Lord, the way you do.

Teach them to see and treat folks like you do, you know with that powerful - fall to your knees kinda love that makes ya cry it's so good!

Help us teach em better 'n we was taught. To be better 'n us.

Learn em about Your mighty power, Your healings, Your Holy Spirit, and Your grace Lord, don't forget about that. Teach em 'bout Your Boy Lord. What a thing yall did for us - for dem babies.

Lord, if you is still inclined, please bless and love on us some too. Shoot we need ya now more 'n ever. Pour it out in us so we can pour it inta dem babies.

Yes Bless Dem Babies sweet Lord. Thanks and Amen..

this came to me as if it was spoken by an old southern man - audibly, in a deep voice. i heard every word spoken out loud, repeated while i wrote. this happened late Saturday night before I served in Kids Quest Sunday 2-17-07. i am compelled to share it with you all. glenn

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